IT Archives - TECHBLOGBOX TECH ENTHUSIASM Thu, 27 Oct 2022 03:28:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 IT Archives - TECHBLOGBOX 32 32 5 Signs That It’s Period To Change Your IT Support Provider Mon, 10 May 2021 21:32:22 +0000 It can be a lot of effort to change your IT support provider, especially if...

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It can be a lot of effort to change your IT support provider, especially if you feel like you don’t have the time to look for another one right now.

It is why you might be willing to put up some slow responses here and there and deal with a bit of incompetency in adapting to your growing needs as a business.

But are these deal-breakers when it comes to your partnership with your IT support provider? In other words, how do you know when it is time to shift to another IT provider? Here are some tell-tale signs that show you that it’s time to make the switch!

They Are Unable To Adapt To Your Growing Needs


As time goes by, it is unavoidable for your organization to expand and grow. In such a case, your IT solutions provider needs to offer scalable services to deal with your changing needs. Unfortunately, this is not possible for every IT support provider out there. There might come a time when your organization is too big for your IT provider to handle everything.

When do you know that your IT provider is not able to adapt to your changing needs? Well, here are some questions that you can ask yourself to decide whether it’s time to make the switch or not:

  • Is my IT provider unable to keep up with support tickets?
  • Does my staff have less-than-ideal confidence with my IT provider?
  • Is my IT provider unable to look at things from a broad perspective?

If your answer is yes to the least of the above questions, then it might be time for you to look for another IT support provider.

They Focus Too Much On The Contract

Okay, so we all have come across that support provider who focuses too much on the contract. If your provider is solely interested in providing you with services covered in the warranty and not a whit more, it would be safe for you to assume that they do not care about your business. All they care about is the income that you bring every month.

You need to build a relationship with your IT support provider so that you can rely on them for all your technical needs. And if they are only focused on providing you with contractual services, building a relationship with them might not be possible.

They Do Not Focus Enough On Security

Cybersecurity is paramount if you wish to protect your business data and your workers online. Therefore, it is essential that your IT support provider takes cybersecurity as a serious concern and implements the necessary security measures in their own company.

If they are not doing so, then not only are they breaching your trust, but they are also leaving you vulnerable to cyber threats from outside. Instead of working out the security details with your IT support provider, it would be best to jump ship and head to another company that gives cybersecurity the seriousness required.

Your Business Sector Is Not Their Specialty

There are too many IT support providers who are offering generalized services to businesses right now. Though they might be able to fix some simple computer crashes, they might not be able to provide you with personalized advice on how to improve your technology for your business sector.

It is wonderful when you are a small company, but once you begin to grow big, this can be a significant issue. If this is the situation that you find yourself in right now, it would be wise for you to seek an IT provider that can bring in the value required for your business to grow and expand.

They Refuse To Accept Responsibility

You and your support provider need to work together as a team. It needs to be carefully nurtured by both of you – by taking on the duties and responsibilities of the team. What your IT support provider needs to do in this relationship is assess your risk profile and ensure that all of your systems are working at optimal performance. However, if they fail to accept responsibility or even refuse to blame when things go wrong, it might be time for you to switch companies.

Winding Up

So, is it time for you to change your IT support provider? If it is, don’t worry! You’re making the right decision for yourself and your organization. After all, an incompetent IT support team is only going to reflect in your own business. And why would you want to bring on a bad reputation for yourself through no fault of your own?

Also Read: What To Choose For In A Penetration Testing Company

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Why IT Security Should Be Unseen Thu, 10 Sep 2020 15:21:09 +0000 There is no doubt that security should be paramount in any corporate IT program, especially...

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There is no doubt that security should be paramount in any corporate IT program, especially in the hybrid cloud environment. The risks associated with an Internet connection are too significant to ignore, and businesses should do everything they can to protect their sensitive data and networks.

However, this raises the question of whether there is such a thing as “too safe.” Is it possible that IT security teams are going too far in the interest of protecting the business from risk and not only slowing day-to-day operations but also the overall productivity of the company?

CISOs and their teams can’t afford to let people on the network do what they want, but the growing consensus is that there are similarities. It also improves productivity and innovation without compromising safety. One aspect of this commonality is the term “invisible security,” a vital element of a practical hybrid cloud security approach.


What is invisible security?

Imagine trying to work out on a project at work, and you need to access a secure database to do this. You enter a password, “a unique eight-digit code to join and access.” Once there, you realize that you don’t have the correct credentials to access the information you need. You’re requesting credentials, and in the meantime, you’re looking for more information for your project. You alone cannot download the report you need due to network restrictions. So you’ve submitted another request for help to get permission to download the web resources. A few hours later, you will get all the licenses you need, but now you are hours back.

Seems familiar? Similar scenarios occur every day, leading to frustration and, in many cases, workarounds that create more significant risks than those that already exist. In many companies, IT security creates barriers that frustrate users. In response, they are finding ways to simplify their own user experience. For example, they can ignore password logs and reuse the same credentials in multiple places to save time, or stay signed in to programs to avoid having to start the whole process again. In some organizations, shadow IT, where employees use unapproved programs and tools, is a significant problem, in large part due to security protocols. In both cases, people develop their solutions to be more productive, and those solutions create risks.



Invisible security is, therefore, security that does not interfere with the user experience but takes place behind the scenes. Employees have a seamless experience while the network remains secure. Some of the commonly used invisible approaches include:

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Targeted activity silo

When users initiate certain activities, for example, downloading content from the Internet is done on a dedicated virtual machine. This way, malicious content is stored on that particular computer and never reaches the network.

Behavioral access

This approach to security depends on permissions and access to specific behaviors, such as B. time of access request and requester behavior.

Optimized registrations

Implementing login methods on accounts using biometrics or single sign-on can save time and prevent roadblocks from occurring.

However, invisible security is not just about optimizing the access. It’s also about using behind-the-scenes tools and techniques that users never come into contact with, but don’t slow them down.

Using tools that protect against threats that do not cause loss of security control and the development of shadow. IT will reduce organizational risk while ensuring your business remains productive and innovative. In short, when you make security invisible, it ultimately becomes more significant.

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How Animated Videos Succeed Your Business Thu, 10 Sep 2020 13:43:52 +0000 A lot of businesses face a barrier when watching videos online. Misconceptions and misconceptions are...

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A lot of businesses face a barrier when watching videos online. Misconceptions and misconceptions are sources of barriers. Many companies overlook animated videos online because they are, only an option for large businesses with a big budget and time. These companies often prefer to live-action videos for promotional purposes.

You might be wise to send a communication by making a video using your cell phone camera and a physically available person. However, for the live-action video, you need to find a location for the stage, real actors or actresses to portray a character, great costumes with the characters, and much more. You will also need a substantial budget to get these things.

You will also need some time to plan the live-action video. That means that you need to plan a full photoshoot and production. All of this is exposing to external factors like weather conditions, which can affect your video.

On the other hand, animated videos can also be created quickly in a strictly controlled environment. Almost all the tools you need to create a fantastic animated video can communicate with your customers so that you can quickly and effectively grab their attention.


Present your brand

When you create an animated video for online marketing, a complete marketing structure is bent at the same time. This structure contains the aesthetics and values ​​of a brand in one head. You can control aspects like color, music, movement, etc. which will not be available in live video. Animated videos play an essential role in enhancing your company’s overall brand identity. The animation can help you ensure that the core values ​​are carrying to the customers.


When an animated video of around 60 seconds is of no use to your company, here’s how you can create an animated micro-video as a GIF. Several lively video production companies are using this approach to make a lasting impression on audiences.

To tell a story

Without a doubt, storytelling is an essential aspect of any successful online marketing strategy. Besides, it is the critical competency that you need to master if you want to effectively convey the value of your company to the end customers. When you put a fantastic story into an animated video, customers get an idea of ​​what it would be like to be a customer of your company.

Many online marketers are excited about the storytelling approach. Contrary to popular belief, storytelling is not just about business. These are the potential customers and the values ​​they want when they use your company’s product or service.

These are just the potential customers and the values ​​they will receive from using your product or service. The best brand stories can prioritize prospects as rock stars. You can think of your business as a support person for customers.

Reach out to the wide range of potential customers

Many people claim that animated videos can only appeal to children. However, popular TV shows like Simpson and Family Guy from animation video production companies have proven otherwise. Animated videos aren’t nearly weird. Many YouTube channels contain animated videos depicting various scientific phenomena and have over one million subscribers.

Interestingly, animated videos can appeal to a broader audience than children. Animated video marketing has the possible to reach customers from different cultures and demographics.

Also Read: What Is The Most Secure Practice When Creating A Password

Explanatory videos

Having animated videos for marketing purposes doesn’t need to encourage prospects  ust to mto ake one acquisition You can use it to keep engagement levels at a certain level. For example, you can use tnimated videos to create troduct manuals. It will serve as an effective way to provide training to clients at various levels.


Know-How to Go Viral

Almost all companies want to create viral content that can grab the attention of a wider audience. An animated video must effectively reach a new customer segment and offer comprehensive advertising. One concern is that there is no checklist of what can go viral at any given time. One thing is for sure, however, if you don’t produce any animated video, nothing will happen; H. No profit in terms of customer base, leads, conversions or sales.

On the other hand, if you create an animated video of good quality through using acceptable practices and better marketing strategies, then chances are that you will have an opportunity to promote your brand a broader digital landscape.

Also Read: Standard Information Technology problems and Solutions

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What Is The Most Secure Practice When Creating A Password Wed, 09 Sep 2020 15:20:59 +0000 Today, having a strong password is more important than ever. Passwords protect so many important...

The post What Is The Most Secure Practice When Creating A Password appeared first on TECHBLOGBOX.

Today, having a strong password is more important than ever. Passwords protect so many important accounts and files, both personal and business. For this reason, there are many tips on how to choose and safeguard passwords on the Internet. But whether all of these tips are true or even current is an entirely different story.

Do not follow outdated advice and risk accounts, existence hacked, or data theft. Here you can see what makes a password more secure and if a 100% strong password is possible.

Why are strong passwords so important?

Password security is critical due to the large number of data breaches that occur every month. The number of data breaches increased by 54% in 2019, compared to the previous year. Many data openings occur due to weak passwords and a lack of password hygiene; H. Take no action to protect passwords.

Passwords are the maximum widely used form of verification in all fields today. The problem, however, is that passwords are inherently insecure, as they can easily be compromised. Most people are not keeping up with the latest cybersecurity practices and evolving threats.

Security industry players are working hard to ensure that alternative authentication methods are more widely adopted. However, passwords will be the primary method of protecting your work and personal accounts for some time to come.

Therefore, everyone should continue to keep their passwords as safe and secure as possible.


Passwords security: The facts and the myths


Myth 1: Changing passwords improves security

There seems to be a misconception that changing passwords make accounts more secure. And many companies apply this as well. But the fact is, all it does is force people to type in their passwords all the time because no one can remember them all.

Not only does this make it easier to steal those passwords, but the new password is not always more secure than the old one.


Myth 2: Passwords must belong

More is better for brute force attacks or database protection. Cracking a password longer than 12 characters takes much longer than a password of only six characters.

However, a random six-character password (e.g. “Ij7 * F8”) is always better than a long password made up of dictionary words (e.g. “mysupersecurelongpassword”).

And none of it matters that hackers steal this password as part of a phishing scam or otherwise. Cybercriminals can copy and paste it. In this situation, the length does not matter. For this reason, it is vital to consider not only the size of the password but also how you can protect it.


 Myth 3: Passwords with extra mixed characters are unbreakable

Anything is better than the lazy passwords that are so common you can guess them now, like “admin1234” or “111111”. However, if you complicate a password by adding a string of characters, symbols, and numbers, it is not as easy as pie. They offer more security, but there are also limits.

Hackers use dictionary password crackers to hack their way into an account. These crackers also look for special characters, which in most cases, does not stop them.

Still, a lot depends on the sophistication of the software a hacker uses, as healthy as the processing power of your computer. Because of this, more mixed characters are better, but not 100% sure.

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Fact 1: password managers help protect passwords

The loveliness of password managers is that they no longer have to remember all of your different passwords. Additionally, work teams can easily share work account passwords instead of submitting them online.

A password manager stores password in an encrypted safe and fills them in automatically if necessary. All someone needs to remember when using a password manager is their master . As long as you keep the master password safe (in your memory and nowhere else), those passwords will remain secure.

Strong password

 Fact 2: Random catchy phrases effort

When hackers bang passwords, they use tools that allow them to try billions of different letter combinations to find the right word. What they don’t do that often is search for random phrases with additional symbols. That doesn’t mean it should be something reasonable like “My keyboard is dirty.” In its place, use something unexpected like “Donkey0Table makes $ Win”. Also note the use of spaces, numbers, and special characters.


Fact 3: It is essential to have different passwords for each account

The problem with data breaches is that criminals can retry passwords that they steal elsewhere. And since users reuse their passwords, they often use those passwords to gain access to their other accounts. If you don’t reuse a password, someone’s other arrangements will be protected, even if hackers compromise one of the passwords.

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Standard Information Technology problems and Solutions Wed, 09 Sep 2020 14:53:45 +0000 Almost all Information Technology services can improve. For example, most have a lot of room...

The post Standard Information Technology problems and Solutions appeared first on TECHBLOGBOX.

Almost all Information Technology services can improve. For example, most have a lot of room for improvement when it comes to business continuity. However, some issues have a more significant impact on recover ability, Information Technology security, and efficiency than others. And other topics are so rare that they are barely worth discussing. Here you will find the most common computer errors and how to avoid them. We’ll also tell you why these issues are so common and why you want to avoid them.

Don’t communicate clearly

Information Technology isn’t very easy, so you must communicate clearly with your audience. To build trust, you need to communicate regularly and honestly with others. That means don’t sugarcoat everything and stay silent in the hope that the problem will go away. The solution is to use producing honest progress reports on your project or service. Report issues and potential issues early on and offer solutions when you can. It will result in problem-solving almost immediately and getting things back on track as soon as possible.

Refusal to delegate tasks

It is one of the biggest IT mismanagement mistakes you can make, even if most of them don’t realise their mistake. The refusal to delegate the work that can be done by others creates an overload of the manager or the technical expert. You are now stressed and at risk of burnout. They do this because they don’t trust others to get it right, and sometimes they hesitate to give themselves the hassle of delegation and, instead, give up on tasks. In other cases, IT staff are afraid to ask for help because they don’t want to admit that they don’t have the skills to make it happen.

The solution is to ask for help when you need it, find those who can help you, and cultivate the skills of others so that you don’t have to do it all on your own—everyone’s productivity increases when everyone concentrates on their core competencies. And more work is done promptly.

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Process validation failed

A variation of this error does not validate the processes. Its Significance of this discovery when changes without adequate review and review. It can lead to unnecessary operational disruptions. The solution consists of a precisely defined process for identifying use cases. Create test plans and perform comprehensive tests. In some cases, the tests have run, but these are only positive tests, and tests based on exceptions neglect.

Another example of the error is that internal processes cannot be validated. Make sure your resilient procedures are working correctly before your business depends on verifying that backups’ actual working or that data restores are going as expected. When doing a project, do a post-project review. Make sure that users are following the new processes correctly and that the results are what they expected. Additional modifications may be needed, or you may find that you need to define your needs better next time.

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Does moving to the Cloud can save businesses money? Wed, 09 Sep 2020 11:59:17 +0000 Cloud computing involves the use of a network of remote servers hosted online to store,...

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Cloud computing involves the use of a network of remote servers hosted online to store, manage and process data instead of traditional local servers. This article explains five ways to save money by moving your IT systems to the cloud.

Cloud computing can save businesses money typically spent on software updates, utility bills, and employee salaries.

1. Spend less to update your software

New software versions such as word processors and antivirus programs are constantly being introduced, making it difficult for businesses to stay up to date. Buying new software updates and renewing licenses can be extremely expensive, which is why most organizations have a strict budget to set. Purchasing new software not only costs a lot of money but also costs businesses time and money to upgrade. It’s time that could be spent on something much more productive.

Cloud Computing

With a cloud-based IT solution, you can save time and money on updating software. You no longer need to purchase your own software versions. As this is the responsibility of your cloud computing solutions provider. You also don’t have to update your software yourself, as done by your provider, and include in your monthly service charge.

Do you run a mechanic shop? If yes, now is the right time to invest in cloud-based auto repair shop software. As mentioned, moving to the cloud can save you tons of money and time. It enables you to streamline your business operations anytime and anywhere. Also, it lets you seamlessly sync with accounting, customer relationship management, marketing, and all other critical systems of your business. The best part is that you don’t need to pay an additional fee and update the software to enjoy these features.

2. Only spend money on products that you want

One of the main advantages of cloud computing solutions is their flexibility. You can choose from a wide variety of services to select which will be most useful for your business. The suppliers are happy to adapt your package to the needs and requirements of your company. This allows you to choose services that fit your business budget rather than purchasing additional services that you are not using.

3. Rent a smaller office

Traditional IT equipment, such as servers and other hardware, can take up a lot of office space. For many companies, this means they had to rent a larger office to house the size of their waiters. Moving to the cloud, you can free up this storage space because you don’t have to store as many devices on site. You then have the option of reducing the size of your office space and thus saving rent or renting the space to freelancers and other small businesses to make a little more money. However, while moving to the cloud seems to be very easy, getting rid of the old servers, data centers and equipment is something that takes real work. You need to make sure your data centers and hardware are destroyed properly in a safe environment. Hence, hiring an IT asset disposition company will always be a great idea. Companies like Dataknox are great enough to have your old servers and IT equipment disabled and destroyed in one go so you can focus on your work rather than worrying about them.

Cloud Computing

4. Save on IT staff salaries

Hiring a team of IT specialists to manage your IT infrastructure can be very expensive. You need to take into version not only their salary but employee benefits as well. By moving your computer system to The cloud can save you money that you spend on employee salaries. Your computer system is managed by the cloud provider, which takes care of security updates, bugs and errors, backup and restore, and all the processes included in your package. Instead of spending money on hiring staff, you can pay monthly fees for the services you use, saving your business a lot of money.

Cloud Computing

The cloud provides businesses with a secure place where they can store all necessary information at a reduced cost compared to conventional data centres.

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5. Save money on utility bills

Cloud computing solutions can also save you money that you would traditionally spend on utility bills. Running servers and data centers uses a lot of electricity, and your utility bills can quickly get very expensive. By moving your computer system to the cloud, you can save electricity that is not only inexpensive but also environmentally friendly!


IT support services in the cloud can save money in several ways. It has become a growing trend as more companies replace their traditional on-premise devices with virtual alternative. Cloud computing is an affordable solution, and it is definitely the way to go for modern businesses.

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